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Besides activity of investigated nucleoside analogs in relation to cultivated ovarian tumour cells SKOV-3 was estimated by us. In this case the chase of nucleoside derivatives were chosen, some of the просмотров: 3567

The problem of the Legg–Calvé–Perthes syndrome treatment is connected to the indeterminateness of of this pathology aetiology and difficulty of its early diagnosis.

The aim of our investigation was the estimation of the effectiveness of the offered surgical intervention.

The materials and methods: There was investigation on the base of child’s surgical department of the Krasnoyarsk municipal clinical hospital # 20 named after I.S. Berzon. Eleven children have first stage of the disease, seventeen children have second stage of disease and thirty-three children have third stage of disease. All children have had one-sided lesions.

Results: There 31 children with this syndrome were operated by using our method. The forage of the femoral neck was made by cannulated borer under the Kirschner’s pin control with the installation of “Facility for reduction of femoral neck in this syndrome”. After that three or four osteoperforations of femoral neck were made. There was observation of the intraosseous pressure in the affection femoral neck in the post operation period. In the operative intervention the facility installed under radiologic control.  In the post operational period during 15 days twice per day after the intraosseous pressure measuring we made active aspiration of content in MCH with the pressure reducing on the 30% comparing with the initial. The decrease and stabilization of intraosseous pressure were achieved on the 12th day after facility installation. During three days after that the pressure was constant in the low volumes that are why facility was delaunched.

Conclusion: The method of Legg–Calvé–Perthes syndrome treatment which is offered by us is effective way of osseous tissue regeneration, rapid restoration of effective blood circulation in the lesion focus to the 15th day after facility installation (in the control group the structure of osseous tissue regeneration lasted three months) early transition of children into the reduction period for the effective rehabilitation.

- 0 +    дата: 3 июня 2013

   Загружено переводчиком: Спиридонова Мария Сергеевна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: английский    Источник: Medical Institution of Public health (MIPH) Municipal Clinical Hospital # 20 named after I.S. Berzon (MCH) Krasnoyarsk city